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Peer Review and Fair Hearing Representation

When it comes to medical peer reviews, Florida voters have spoken.

A vital process that was once sacred and confidential is now open for scrutiny and lawsuits. This surprisingly affordable policy preserves the sanctity of the peer review process and allow doctors quality legal representation in fair hearings.

The foundation of the policy is to allow physicians to invoke protection under attorney-client privilege. Because the process of peer review and fair hearing can result in future litigation, the information presented is protected from discovery. Peer reviews and fair hearings should be done with complete confidentiality and without fear of retribution from unscrupulous patients and overzealous attorneys.

Below are a few items you need to be aware of:

  • The policy is claims-made – it must be in force at the time the triggering event occurs (negative outcome or incident that gives rise to a review by a medical review committee or necessitating an appearance in a fair hearing.
  • The maximum legal fees and expenses payable in the policy year for any and all eligible covered claim(s) shall not exceed $10,000.00.
  • The maximum amount payable in connection with expert witness fees or other third party costs during the policy year is $750.00.
  • The policyholder must notify FHPLEI in the event there is a possibility of impending medical review or investigation or upon notification of an action, incident or grievance. Notice shall be in the form of a written letter and include a copy of the letter/notice from the referring committee or facility.

Please refer to the policy for complete exclusions, limitations and other pertinent information and benefits.

CLICK HERE to download the application.